Friday, April 8, 2011

In What Ways are We Blind?

Our focus for this week, with Edward Hays' book, The Lenten Labyrinth, has been, "In what ways are we blind?" He encourages us to consider how we are spiritually blind to the ways of God in the world. Consider this humorous satire featuring the Reverend Tom Pittman and the Austin Lounge Lizards at Visit there and then reflect on the following questions. Who are the folks about whom we would say, "Jesus loves me, but he can't stand you?" How does our behavior toward certain people, individuals or groups state this, even if we don't say it out loud?

1 comment:

  1. This reminded me of a Colbert Report piece from around Christmas time (which can be found here:

    It's a satirical piece on how we ignore Jesus' commandments to care for the poor. I suspect that we could add to that list the disabled, the mentally ill -- all those who are somehow "different" from us in ways that make us uncomfortable. It's easier to believe that they are somehow responsible for their lot in life than to live out Christ's example of embracing the outcasts and the disadvantaged in our world. It's not easy to reach out in Christian love to those who make us uncomfortable.
