Monday, June 14, 2010

Lebanon United Methodist Church - NH

Spring tulips!

Hello and welcome to everyone!. Lebanon United Methodist Church of Lebanon, New Hampshire will be so pleased to update our church activities.

We will love to have you here regularly reading, writing your comments or just having fun with the digital era!

Rev. Virginia Fryer is our lovely Pastor who leads the church, she has a wonderful family, her husband Bryan and two cute daughters Abby and Kate, I love to call them "princesas". She is surronded by people who help and work hard for the community. In this picture Pastor Virg is during a Sunday worship in the Children's Time, time where the kids are participating making and answering questions.


On the left photo is Abby and myself.. yes! I am the onewho wrote this post. My name is Coralia Picardo and some people call me Laly. I am the church secretary working since 2007.


  1. Hello,
    I'm a parishoner who is charmed by the pictures here on our blog.
    I am a co president of our United Methodist Women's group and we are having a picnic in two days at Goose Pond where one of our members has a cottage. I am hoping for lovely weather so we can all get some sunshine and take a paddle in a canoe. We ladies have a wonderful fellowship that meets once a month for study and inspiration and fun.


  2. Wow!Thank you Lally for providing this opportunity for me to venture "Beyond the Red Doors" ....I'm the other co-president of UMW --maybe the first octogenarian in our church to
    attempt this "new" method of communication???

  3. Welcome Dorothy! You are great with the computer :) ~Laly

  4. Beautiful pictures. Because of the extreme heat and humidity "very tropical" Roadside Cleanup will be rescheduled.

  5. It's time to pick blueberries for our Blueberry Neighborhood Gathering for Listen. We'll freeze them and turn them into anything muffins, pies, cobblers, quick breads for our church neighbors to sample when they bring food for the Listen Pantry.
    Save the date for the Gathering! It's August 21, a Saturday 9am-11am. We'll have activities for the kids and beverages and blueberry yummies.
